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My Philosophy of Education

"I hear I forget, I see I remember, I do I understand." - Chinese Proverb

I believe that every student has value and the ability to learn, and that every single child is unique, but that it is my responsibility as an educator to treat all students equally and fairly in their education. All lessons should require good planning, critical thought and should focus on the interests and needs that most directly fulfill the individual needs of each student’s learning style so that I can provide opportunities to enable all students to maximize their unique abilities and learning styles to be successful in the classroom and successful in all of their endeavors outside of the classroom.

I fully believe in the differentiating of instruction within the classroom. The role of the teacher is to present students with information in a way that is most beneficial to the students. There is no one way of teaching because there is no one way of learning. Every single child in the classroom is different and every child learns differently. In every classroom, there will always be a variety of students with a variety of learning styles. Instruction in the classroom should be well thought out and cater to the needs of every single student whether they are high-level, low-level or average learners, and should feature activities of multiple intelligences. The teacher is the one who changes for the students, the students should not have to change for the teacher. A teacher should present the material to the students in a way that makes students involved and want to learn. Lessons should not be taught in just one instructional strategy, there should be a variety of strategies including direct instruction, group work, centers, inquiry training, hands-on activities, cooperative learning and independent work.

I believe that a motivationally enriched classroom is what fosters the best possible student learning. The classroom environment should be filled with inspiration, enthusiasm, encouragement and positive attitudes to foster an appreciation for life-long learning. I believe in showing respect and kindness towards every student while creating and fostering a community within the classroom that supports my efforts to teach and students’ efforts to learn. When students feel motivated, comfortable and know that their teacher cares about them personally and academically, they will want to learn and produce their best work.

I believe that in order to provide the best education for students the classroom should be well managed. A well managed classroom is essential to teaching because behavior problems can get in the way. Classroom management will always change from year to year because all classes are different. As a teacher I must try different methods to find which one works best for the students. I strongly believe that as long as you keep the students involved and the lesson interesting, there will be a lesser chance of the students having behavior issues.

All teachers need to be enthusiastic and passionate about their job, because teaching is more than just a career. Teachers should take interest in their students in the classroom and outside the classroom to be able to provide the most appropriate education possible. I also believe that teachers must develop strong relationships with the parents or guardians of their students and with their colleagues. These relationships will serve as partnerships in helping children achieve academic and personal success. Having a class enriched with differentiated instruction, motivation and a well-rounded classroom management plan leads to the best possible education for any student.

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